Australia Health insurance
Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance
Reduces the cost of private health insurance for people who are eligible for Medicare and are members of certain private health funds. Australia Health insurance
Express Plus Medicare
Helps you view your Medicare claim history, update your contact and bank account details and much more. There are 25 Medicare items that can be claimed using the app that do not require you to upload a receipt. Australia Health insurance
Lifetime health cover
Information on lifetime health cover. It was designed to encourage people to take out hospital insurance earlier in life, and to maintain their cover. Further details can be obtained from the Lifetime Health Cover hotline 1800 307 446. Australia Health insurance
MBS online - medicare benefits schedule online
Medicare Benefits Schedule Online allows you to search and browse through the medicare items or the explanatory notes contained within the Schedule. You can search by either the number or description of the items or notes or simply browse through the categories, groups and sub-groups. Australia Health insurance
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Provides community linking and individualised support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. Australia Health insurance
Private health insurance - for consumers
Department of Health and Ageing - Private health insurance page links to information about private health insurance for consumers, including Lifetime Health Cover, Rebates and frequently asked questions. Australia Health insurance
Private Health Insurance Ombudsman
Protects the interests of people covered by private health insurance. Includes an independent complaints handling service and consumer information and advice. Australia Health insurance, managed by the Office of the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman, helps you find out about private health insurance and search for and compare selected features for all private health insurance products offered in Australia. You can search a database of all policies to help you review your current policy or choose a new one. Australia Health insurance
Veterans' health
Provides information and links to AIHW studies investigating the health of veterans. Australia Health insurance
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